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Big Red Devil Massimo Lavagnini Deeper Creeper

Tafubar (Italy)

Tafubar, aka Big Red Devil, aka Deeper Creeper, aka Massimo Lavagnini, comes from the background of classic 80s dance music. Starting out in the middle of those glorious days as club singer and supporting deejay, in 1991 together with Paolo Lombardi Massimo founded the group “No Mistake”, which led to an underground 12”, “Kinky Sex” on ACV Records.

Massimo has embraced the technological development of home recording pushing his studio to the limit and creating a unique, quirky sounds that feels like a breath of fresh air. His new single “(I read your) Frequency”, has been expertly re-interpreted by The Rurals who Massimo had picked for the job - the man obviously knows quality.

The Wicked Thoughts of You

A background in acting in, directing and reviewing horror movies has placed Massimo in a unique position to create a new new branch of electronica - one he defines as "horror house". Watch out for lyrics with a somewhat deranged twist and an ever-present brooding and disturbing undercurrent in his music. The latter is defused somewhat in MoShang's Asian Space Mix - this is Chinese Chill, after all...

I Read Your Frequency

Latest release

Lemongrass's remix of "The Wicked Thoughts of You" will be released on "Lemongrass Garden vol. 2" on their Lemongrass Music label in October.

Artist links

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